An ancestral form of Japanese storytelling

Kamishibai, literally translated as “paper theater”, is a Japanese form of storytelling that has been around since the 12th century. The kamishibai consists of a small wooden theater, the butaï, and a series of illustrated boards. The storyteller tells the story as he slides the boards into the butaï. The text as well as staging and reading instructions are printed on the reverse of each plate. The speed at which the plates scroll and the addition of sound effects give rhythm to the narrative, contributing to suspense and immersion.

Kamishibai improves concentration

The kamishibai is an excellent teaching tool for improving student concentration. Because viewers are stimulated both visually and aurally, they memorize information better. What’s more, the story is broken down into scenes, forcing students to focus on one event at a time. They find it easier to identify with the story.

Kamishibai is suitable for all children

Kamishibai has many advantages for children who have difficulty concentrating or with written material. Its visual dimension means students don’t have to concentrate on the image and text simultaneously. Its sequential dimension means that the events of the story can be approached one after the other. The student’s attention is stimulated at every board change. The narration can be slowed down or speeded up to suit the child’s pace.

The kamishibai helps build self-confidence

Once the story is well understood, the child can take the place of the storyteller ! The kamishibai helps to improve oral fluency and self-confidence, as the student is supported by indications throughout the story. He can also tell the story from behind the boards, which can be less intimidating than speaking directly to an audience. Kamishibai, and all forms of oral storytelling in general, link orality with positive emotions and experiences.

You can make your own kamishibai !

Although this form of Japanese theater has now been democratized, and publishing houses have specialized in selling these objects, kamishibai can also be easily made from a few cardboard boards. It’s a great idea for a manual activity before starting the story!

Find out more

To find out how to make a kamishibai and discover other storytelling media, visit the Storias project website.