
In Europe, nearly 95% of children aged 4 and over are cared for in institutions such as kindergartens, nurseries, day care centers… By the time children enter school, there are already inequalities in the acquisition of basic skills. These inequalities arise from different causes (origin, socio-cultural background) but are also linked to what is called “specific learning disabilities”. The collaboration of all those involved in the child’s education, not only teachers but also specialists, parents and family members, is essential to provide the best possible support for the child’s learning process. The use of digital tools, and in this case, digital books, in the context of learning disabilities can be very beneficial in removing some of the barriers created by the written word and abstract concepts. This project aims to highlight a selection of interactive educational resources in the field of digital books to stimulate and encourage the learning of basic skills for all children, and in particular, children with special needs.


  • Using interactive books to facilitate basic skills learning
  • Offer a multilingual catalog of interactive digital books including accessibility features
  • Train accompanying adults and trainers in the use of enriched books for educational purposes


A catalog of dozens of interactive books, with accessibility features

A training module to create interactive and accessible books

A guide to using interactive digital books in a learning context

A manual for creating rich digital books

A white paper on the benefits of interactive reading for basic skills learning

Les partenaires

Arsakeio Kindergarten of Patras


Arsakeio (Αρσάκειο) is the general name of Arsakeia – Tositseia Schools, a group of coeducational private schools in Greece. The Arsakeio group includes six schools and has over 6,500 children and 700 teachers.

ARTeria Foundation


The ARTeria Foundation implements a variety of projects and programmes supporting artists and the development of the cultural and creative sector around culture without borders, innovative education and multidimensional cooperation.

Direzione Didattica Statale Bastia Umbra


Bastia Umbra is a city of 21,000 inhabitants, located in central Italy. The school district includes 3 elementary school and 4 nursery schools. There are 83 elementary school teachers and 43 kindergarten teachers, including 9 special education teachers for primary and pre-school students.



As a center for educational innovation, Logopsycom creates and uses alternative methods or tools (digital or not) to support schools, vocational training centers, educational organizations, youth and parents. The center is specialized in learning disorders in young people, especially in “dys” disorders (dyspraxia, dysphasia, dyslexia…).

Scoala Gimnaziala n°16 “Take Ionescu”


Secondary School no 16 “Take Ionescu” from Timisoara teaches children between 5 and 15 years. The number of pupils is around 970 and the number of teachers 62.