The project

We want to combine the initiation to digital tools with the transmission of know-how, practices and experiences from older to younger people. Indeed, one of the most common feelings among seniors is that of feeling “obsolete” in relation to a world in perpetual motion. However, seniors have been active in life and in society and can still be active, among other things, through transmission and exchange. On a subject of their choice, seniors are invited during the project to share a know-how or an experience in the form of a written and/or audio digital book (favorite recipes, gardening secrets, travel log…). It is also about integrating a personal experience and feeling into a collective memory.


  • introduce seniors to digital practices through the creation of digital books
  • engage seniors in the digital world by positioning them as content creators
  • promote soft skills and digital competencies among seniors and professionals/caregivers
  • create a climate of knowledge and skill exchange between seniors and professionals/caregivers



Seniors are a heterogeneous group whose relationship to digital technology varies according to age, profile, context, etc. They represent an increasingly important part of European society (20.6% of the European population is now over 65 according to Eurostat). The report of the study on the digital exclusion of the elderly, published in 2018 by the French association Petits Frères des Pauvres reveals that “more than a quarter of people aged 60 and over are still in a situation of digital exclusion, and that this exclusion particularly affects the over 80s and the most precarious people.” Similarly, Eurostat figures show that in 2018, only 10 percent of the over-75s in EU member states had connected to the Internet in the past three months. Among the 5 main findings of this study “Beyond the lack of mastery, it is the lack of interest that is the major obstacle for people over 60 who do not use the Internet.


Silver Books is primarily intended for adult educators who provide training in the geriatric, health and social professions. Through the network of partners, we will focus on trainers of adults with little or no qualifications, in situations of professional integration or retraining.


We also address all the professionals and volunteers who work with the elderly and accompany them in their daily lives.


  • the creation of an e-learning module for professionals/caregivers to develop their general and digital skills.
  • the organization of a series of workshops in the participating countries that will lead to the creation of the “Silver books” collection, to promote reading in all its forms: written (with ebooks) and oral (with audio books)
  • the development of an implementation guide for professionals and stakeholders.

Les partenaires



Desincoop is a cooperative fighting against social exclusion by offering services and activities in the economic, social, educational and cultural fields.



As a center for educational innovation, Logopsycom creates and uses alternative methods or tools (digital or not) to support schools, vocational training centers, educational organizations, youth and parents. The center is specialized in learning disorders in young people, especially in “dys” disorders (dyspraxia, dysphasia, dyslexia…).

Solco Città Aperta


Sol.Co. Città Aperta is a consortium of 10 social cooperatives, with about 2,000 workers, created in 2001 and based in Bergamo, northern Italy. It integrates and promotes the economic and social action of its members, focusing on a “community social enterprise approach.”