The project

Text it Easy is a European project. This project is co-funded by Erasmus+.

Text it Easy aims to use plain language. Plain language uses simple words and short sentences. This helps everyone to understand easily.

Text it Easy wants to make information and communication accessible to everyone. This helps people to participate more fully in society.

Text it Easy wants to raise awareness of plain language in training centres, workplace and schools. Education and training are important for learning and developing in the workplace.

Text it Easy offers free resources for learning clear language. The project also uses artificial intelligence tools to help teachers, trainers and professionals write in plain language.

Text it Easy encourages the use of plain language to make training and work more inclusive.


There are ways of reducing inequalities in relation to the written word. Clear language is an international standard that makes it easier to understand written information on paper and in digital form.


Text it Easy aims to :

  • disseminate plain language in all professional sectors, first and foremost vocational training;
  • improve access to information and communication for all citizens;
  • promote their inclusion and involvement in society at all levels.

Target groups

The Text it Easy project is aimed at VET trainers and organisations, companies and institutions in the partners’ sectors and professional networks (training, education, culture, publishing, accessibility, paramedicine, access to rights, etc.) as well as learners, professionals and future professionals.



analysed good practices


interviews with professionals in the sector (as part of the collection of best practices)


clear language training days


an e-learning module on plain language of around 90 points (i.e. around 9 hours of training)

Les partenaires

Cluj County Teacher Training Centre


Casa Corpului Didactic Cluj (Cluj County Teacher Training Centre) is a public legal entity subordinate to the Romanian Ministry of Education and coordinated locally by the Cluj County School Inspectorate. Its mission is to promote innovation and reform in the field of education, and to provide a framework for the professional and personal development of all pre-university school teachers. Casa Corpului Didactic Cluj is an active training, resource and consultancy centre for over 7,000 teachers, geared towards integration into the European area of lifelong learning.



As a center for educational innovation, Logopsycom creates and uses alternative methods or tools (digital or not) to support schools, vocational training centers, educational organizations, youth and parents. The center is specialized in learning disorders in young people, especially in “dys” disorders (dyspraxia, dysphasia, dyslexia…).


Republic of Northern Macedonia

SABA is a private vocational school founded in 2007. It has four departments: Commerce, Administration, IT and Tourism. Students at SABA have the privilege of experiencing an education system that is different from public schools in Macedonia. They focus on the field they are studying (business, administration, IT or tourism) and have not only theoretical knowledge, but also plenty of practical experience. SABA has actively participated in several Erasmus + projects, mainly in the field of learner and staff mobility in VET.



U31 is a team of experts and an innovative technology whose aim is to spread the use of clear language, help people adapt their content and reach the widest possible audience. Using artificial intelligence models (NLP, language models) combined with formal rules, we have this technology that can assess the clarity of a text, identify its complexities and suggest recommendations and adaptations in order to write for as many people as possible.

Uciliste Studium


Uciliste Studium (The Adult Education Institution Studium) was founded in 2010 and is currently one of the leading adult education institutions in Croatia with centres in five cities and activities throughout the country. AEI Studium offers over 200 different adult education programmes in the form of re-skilling and skills upgrading, primary and secondary adult education programmes and micro-qualification programmes, as well as a number of academies, training courses, workshops and other forms of formal and non-formal education activities. The organisation currently employs 26 people and works with more than 130 associate professors and experts in various fields.